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FEASR European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development:2014-2020 GAL

Measure 6.2.1 Project Description: Aid for the start-up of non-agricultural business activities in rural areas. Creation of micro-enterprises for rural tourism in 2022.Measure 6.4.2 Project Description: South Face ParadiseTotal cost: € 25000Of which FEASR share: € 25000 In accordance with Law 124/2017

Home South Face Paradise Sustainable tourism

Find your sustainable travel Experience type Categorie turismo sostenibile Alpinismo Arrampicata su ghiaccio Arrampicata su roccia Bergsteigen Canyoning Canyoning Canyoning Canyoning Eisklettern Escalade Escalade sur glace Escursionismo Fotografia naturalistica Freeride Gleitschirmfliegen Gravel bike Gravel bike Gravel bike Gravel bike Grimper Ice Climbing Klettern Klettersteig Mountain bike Mountain biking Mountainbiking Mountaineering...

Services for Other Tour Operators or Travel Agencies

Home South Face Paradise Turismo sostenibile Winning Collaboration with Other Tour Operators and Travel AgenciesSouthFaceParadise, the sustainable tour operator, is pleased to offer collaboration services to other tour operators and travel agencies looking to provide extraordinary experiences in the picturesque settings of the Canavese and the Gran Paradiso National Park.We...

Services for Public Entities

Home South Face Paradise Turismo sostenibile Services for Public Entities, Municipalities, and Tourist Consortia Welcome to our section dedicated to the services offered for Public Entities, Municipalities, and Tourist Consortia. Our company is committed to supporting the public sector in adopting sustainable practices, with a particular focus on training and...

Sustainable Experiences for Schools in the Gran Paradiso National Park

Home South Face Paradise Turismo sostenibile SouthFaceParadise is pleased to offer a full range of sustainable services for schools in the wonderful setting of the Gran Paradiso National Park. Our mission is to provide educational, engaging, and adventurous experiences that stimulate curiosity, learning, and connection with nature.Our school packages are...

Smart Working in Gran Paradiso National Park

Home South Face Paradise Turismo sostenibile Welcome to the Gran Paradiso National Park, the perfect place for a smart working experience immersed in pristine nature!SouthFaceParadise is pleased to offer accommodation solutions suitable for smart working in the high valley, where you can enjoy a quiet and inspiring environment to carry...

Incentives for Employees and Customers

Home South Face Paradise Turismo sostenibile Do you want to reward your employees, offer your customers something new and exciting, or enhance your brand through an unforgettable experience? If so, why not celebrate success and recognize talent through an outdoor activity?South Face Paradise is your ideal partner for offering engaging...

Team building

Home South Face Paradise Turismo sostenibile Team building and incentivization are essential for companies looking to enhance productivity, collaboration, and morale among their employees. We are excited to offer our corporate clients a customized package that meets these needs, with particular attention to sustainability.Our tour operator offers a wide range...


Services for companies and organizations, public institutions, schools and industry partnerships. Home South Face Paradise Turismo sostenibile We offer the following customized B2B services based on your needs, whether you represent a company, municipality, school, tour operator, or travel agency:Team buildingImprove team dynamics and morale with our engaging team building...