Logo esteso South Face Paradise


With over 500 km of hiking trails, witness of the ancient royal mule tracks that connected the valleys in the private hunting reserve of King Vittorio Emanuele II, the Gran Paradiso National Park offers an incredible variety of experiences for hiking lovers. Among these routes, prestigious itineraries stand out such as the GTA (Great Crossing of the Alps), a 1000 km itinerary that crosses the entire Piedmont, the AVC (Canavesana High Route) that winds through the valleys of Orco and Soana, and the GiroParco, which connects the Piedmontese side of the park with the Valle d’Aosta. These routes allow an immersive exploration of the most suggestive and uncontaminated alpine landscapes in the Alps, offering the opportunity to admire up close the extraordinary biodiversity of unique flora and fauna in this place. They represent only a part of the vast hiking network that winds through alpine valleys, sparkling lakes, colorful meadows, and towering peaks. Join us in exploring this intricate network of trails, discovering the magic of a place where adventure and nature blend in an extraordinary experience. Explore our territory responsibly with Our Sustainable Tours! We are committed not only to offering you extraordinary adventures, but also to doing so in total respect for the environment and the people we encounter along the way.



Trekking al Gran Piano, Rifugio Casa di Caccia Gran Piano, Escursione Gran Piano




04T-Anteprima Escursione laghi ghiacciati del Gran Paradiso Piemonte Canavese, Gran Paradiso excursion, lakes excursion, Piedmont Canavese excursion, Lakes tour


03T-Anteprima-Giro-Parco-Gran-Paradiso-Stambecchi, hiking tour




01T-Anteprima-Gran-Paradiso-week-end-trekking-Canavese-Piemonte-08. Sentieri escursionistici Piemonte


Responsible Travel, Authentic Experiences.

With our sustainable packages, we invite you to explore the territory in a responsible and conscious way. Each itinerary has been carefully designed to offer you not only breathtaking panoramas and exciting challenges, but also to ensure that your impact on the environment is positive.

What Makes Our Packages Unique:

Environmental Sustainability:

    • CO2 free tours. Thanks to our partnership with Up2You, the carbon credits necessary to offset the CO2 produced by the tour are already included in the tour price, making it completely CO2 free and minimizing environmental impact.
    • We choose local partners committed to environmental conservation and who adopt the best sustainable tourism practices.

Cultural Sustainability :

    • Authentic cultural experiences that respect and support local communities.
    • Experiential tours that allow you to get to know and live the territory in an authentic way.

Expert Guides and Awareness:

    • Expert and passionate local guides.
    • Environmental awareness seminars during excursions.

Economic Sustainability:

    • We choose products and services from the local area for our tours, to have a positive impact on the local economy.

Your Trip, Your Difference

Every trip with us is a step towards a more sustainable future. By participating in our packages, you become part of a movement that embraces the beauty of the world without compromising its future.

Plan Your Sustainable Trip Today

Discover our sustainable hiking packages and start your journey towards a form of tourism that counts. Join us in creating unforgettable, conscious and respectful memories.

Don’t just travel. Travel with a positive impact.