Measure 6.2.1 Project Description: Aid for the start-up of non-agricultural business activities in rural areas. Creation of micro-enterprises for rural tourism in 2022.Measure 6.4.2 Project Description: South Face ParadiseTotal cost: € 25000Of which FEASR share: € 25000 In accordance with Law 124/2017
Home South Face Paradise Sustainable tourism
Find your sustainable travel Experience type Categorie turismo sostenibile Alpinismo Arrampicata su ghiaccio Arrampicata su roccia Bergsteigen Canyoning Canyoning Canyoning Canyoning Eisklettern Escalade Escalade sur glace Escursionismo Fotografia naturalistica Freeride Gleitschirmfliegen Gravel bike Gravel bike Gravel bike Gravel bike Grimper Ice Climbing Klettern Klettersteig Mountain bike Mountain biking Mountainbiking Mountaineering...
Modern and contemporary age in Canavese
Home South Face Paradise Turismo sostenibile Towards the end of the 18th century, the Canavese was invaded by French troops, who imposed new laws and revolutionary customs. However, in 1814, the Savoy family returned to the Canavese. In the 19th century, the region experienced significant industrial development, with the growth...
Middle Ages and Renaissance in Canavese
Home South Face Paradise Turismo sostenibile After the fall of the Roman Empire, the Canavese became part of a Lombard duchy and a Frankish county in the 8th century. During this period, the territory gained considerable importance during the reign of Arduino, the King of Italy between 1000 and 1015....
The Roman period of Canavese
Home South Face Paradise Turismo sostenibile In the pre-Roman era, the Canavese region was inhabited by the Salassi, a Celtic-origin people. In 143 B.C., the first clash with Rome occurred when the Salassi resisted the troops of the consul Appius Claudius Pulcher. Subsequently, Roman economic penetration intensified, and in 100...
The prehistory of the Canavese area
Home South Face Paradise Turismo sostenibile In the charming Canavese area, the doors to a millennial past open. Numerous archaeological findings reveal traces from the Neolithic period when the first agricultural colonizers arrived in the morainic amphitheater of Ivrea. This territory, so different from the current one, appeared as a...