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FEASR European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development:2014-2020 GAL

Measure 6.2.1 Project Description: Aid for the start-up of non-agricultural business activities in rural areas. Creation of micro-enterprises for rural tourism in 2022.Measure 6.4.2 Project Description: South Face ParadiseTotal cost: € 25000Of which FEASR share: € 25000 In accordance with Law 124/2017

Home South Face Paradise Sustainable tourism

Find your sustainable travel Experience type Categorie turismo sostenibile Alpinismo Arrampicata su ghiaccio Arrampicata su roccia Bergsteigen Canyoning Canyoning Canyoning Canyoning Eisklettern Escalade Escalade sur glace Escursionismo Fotografia naturalistica Freeride Gleitschirmfliegen Gravel bike Gravel bike Gravel bike Gravel bike Grimper Ice Climbing Klettern Klettersteig Mountain bike Mountain biking Mountainbiking Mountaineering...

Climbing style

The new morning: every great wall has a great story. This is ours. Home South Face Paradise Turismo sostenibile Being composed almost entirely of metamorphic rocks, the climbing style in the Valle dell'Orco is essentially granitic, with the exception of the lower valley cliffs where gneiss allows for progression on...


The new morning: every great wall has a great story. This is ours. Home South Face Paradise Turismo sostenibile 1972: it's the year of change. For the first time, the foothill walls begin to be considered. The first attempts of Cotta and Saviane on the Ancesieu wall in the Forzo...

Rock history

The new morning: every large wall has a great story. This is ours. Home South Face Paradise Turismo sostenibile History of climbing in Valle Orco, taken from the book "Valle dell'Orco", published by "Versante Sud" by Maurizio Oviglia, a protagonist, flourishing opener, and one of the leading experts of Valle...

Rock Paradise A New Morning

The new morning: every great wall has a great story. This is ours. Home South Face Paradise Turismo sostenibile The "Nuovo Mattino" represents a fundamental step in the evolution of mountaineering in Europe, ushering in a shift from a "Nationalistic" form of alpinism, characterized by the "summit conquest at all...