Measure 6.2.1 Project Description: Aid for the start-up of non-agricultural business activities in rural areas. Creation of micro-enterprises for rural tourism in 2022.Measure 6.4.2 Project Description: South Face ParadiseTotal cost: € 25000Of which FEASR share: € 25000 In accordance with Law 124/2017
Home South Face Paradise Sustainable tourism
Find your sustainable travel Experience type Categorie turismo sostenibile Alpinismo Arrampicata su ghiaccio Arrampicata su roccia Bergsteigen Canyoning Canyoning Canyoning Canyoning Eisklettern Escalade Escalade sur glace Escursionismo Fotografia naturalistica Freeride Gleitschirmfliegen Gravel bike Gravel bike Gravel bike Gravel bike Grimper Ice Climbing Klettern Klettersteig Mountain bike Mountain biking Mountainbiking Mountaineering...
Culinary tradition Gran Paradiso Park
Home South Face Paradise Turismo sostenibile CULINARY TRADITION The culinary tradition of the Orco and Soana valleys and more generally of the Canavese valleys (Sacra, Chiusella, Malone) is strongly tied to the territory and its resources, as well as its ancient history. Thus, the practice of breeding has given rise...
Fauna and flora Gran Paradiso Park
Home South Face Paradise Turismo sostenibile Fauna The fauna has its emblem in the ibex, the park's symbol, now widespread in many specimens. Among mammals, we can encounter chamois, marmots, hares, foxes, badgers, weasels, martens during walks. It is also common to come across raptors such as eagles, bearded vultures...
Rules of conduct Gran Paradiso Park
Home South Face Paradise Turismo sostenibile If it is true that we should be respectful of the environment everywhere, it is even more crucial within a protected area. Only in this way can we preserve a precious heritage that belongs to all of us over time.Let's now look at the...
Gran Paradiso The oldest park in Italy
Home South Face Paradise Turismo sostenibile Index The Royal Hunting Reserve In 1856, King Vittorio Emanuele II declared the Royal Hunting Reserve in the mountains of the Gran Paradiso, the only "4000" entirely located in Italian territory, saving the Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) from extinction. This species had disappeared from...